Ku.Ku Duckbill
Creating safe, natural,
healthy products for
moms & their babies.
Creating safe, natural,
healthy products for
moms & their babies.

The Brand Story.
Ku.Ku Duckbill was launched in 2001 founded by Gini Baby International Co. Ltd. which is experienced in developing healthy, safe, and natural baby products.
Ku.Ku Duckbill successfully entered the export markets of Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States. Making it an internationally renowned brand.

Our Scope of Work.
Ku.Ku Duckbill is a brand originated from Taiwan (www.ku-ku.com.tw) which is also licensed by a company here in Indonesia. After discussing with the team in Taiwan, the company finally decided to have an online platform, which is their own website that can be used as an online catalogue and a routine blog to help share its product benefits.
We help recreate all the assets for www.kukuduckbill.id, with a concept of making it a story book that tells the story of Ku.Ku and his friends. Starting from the artwork design development, website design, promotional media translation, and 2 videos showing their products that are family-friendly and their showroom in Indonesia.